Why, you ask? Simple: Gelato is superior to ice cream in just about every conceivable way. From taste to nutritional value, Italians really know what they're doing when it comes to frozen desserts.
If you've had the distinct pleasure of eating gelato back to back ice cream, you probably noticed that the chocolate flavour comes through much more powerfully in gelato.
This bolder taste to the fact that gelato has less fat than ice cream. This means the flavours aren't as diluted and smoothed out as those in the ice cream equivalent.
It also means they don't linger as long on the tongue, giving gelato a cleaner finish.
If you were to take equally sized scoops of gelato and ice cream and weigh them, you'd find that the gelato is heavier. This has to do with how ice cream and gelato are made. Both desserts are churned, which adds air to the mix and gives them their signature fluffy texture. But gelato is churned at a slower speed than ice cream, meaning there's less air in the finished product. This also means that the gelato is more dense. In a weird way, that means you're getting more frozen, creamy goodness per bite when you choose gelato.
This might seem a bit absurd, but it's completely true. Have you ever tried to scoop ice cream and either bent a spoon or inadvertently hurt yourself? Maybe you've had to pop a tub of ice cream in the microwave to soften it up. Ice cream can be hard stuff, and it's all due to temperature.
Ice cream is best served at about 10 degrees Fahrenheit, but dense gelato reaches its truest expression at slightly balmier temps. This warmer serving temperature means gelato is much easier to scoop.
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